Tag Archives: flying

Airport Mornings

Another early morning at the airport but I can’t say that I’m complaining.  I got an egg white sandwich and coffee from Dunkin Donuts…

…which apparently now comes with a free banana (score)!

And I was on my way to meet Brian in St. Louis where we both had layovers on our way to Oklahoma City!

Today marks the beginning of our next stop along this baseball life as Brian will report to his first game with the OKC Redhawks, the AAA affiliate of the Houston Astros.

Bring on the new city, the new team and the new chance for a successful 2012 season!

South Korea, Here I Come!

I can’t believe today is actually here! I have been waiting for and anticipating my trip to meet Brian in Korea for so long and now I am actually on my way. Crazy!


I knew I wanted to get a decent workout in before traveling for the next one million hours so I set my alarm for 4:30 a.m. and was at the gym and waiting when the doors opened.

My goal was to shave about 30 seconds off of my last 5k run but my body wasn’t feeling it so early in the morning and I ended up adding about 30 seconds instead.

My first mile went by in 7:08. The second in 7:14 and then I slowed…big time…and knocked out the final 1.1 miles in 8:34 for a final time of 22:56.

Still under 23 minutes so I’ll take it.

After my workout I got myself ready for the airport and my long flight. Complete with compression socks to keep my blood flowing nicely over all those hours.

The purple really sets off the pink jeans, huh? 😉

Once dressed and prepped i did some final things around the house…Took the last of the trash out…washed one final load of laundry as to not leave anything dirty…and enjoyed the quiet of the morning with Telli.

Before I knew it my parents were at the door and we were loading up my bags into the car!

I said my last goodbye to the monster and put him in his cage, trying to keep it as “normal” for him as possible so that he didn’t get unnecessarily worked up like when Brian left.

(A little blurry but he was actually looking at the camera!)

I was super close to crying but I kept it together for him. And more so for my mom, who definitely would have broken her strong act if she saw me upset (Sorry mom I’m sure I just made you break it now though!).

(A little better…)

Things were pretty smooth sailing once I made it to the airport with one glitch at baggage check. But after a slight nominal fee to check a third bag that they wouldn’t let me carry on, we were back in business. Even better for me now though because I don’t have to worry about carting around a carry on.  Not to mention, I was prepared for whatever may happen and had my purse packed in that carry on with my jewelry inside so all I had to do was a quick unzip and grab that out and it was good to be checked!

Smart packing, people! 🙂


When I made it to my gate, I accessed the food situation and decided on McDonald’s maple and fruit oatmeal for breakfast.

Not the healthiest oatmeal but better than the other options I was presented with!!

When I went to board this first flight, the Delta clerk at the gate told me that my seat was already scanned as having entered the flight so, “if it was taken when I got to it, just to come back out and let her know”.  Umm, hello lady, I am not fighting the one way traffic back off of the plane to let you know that your airline made a mistake.  Luckily for me, even though my seat was taken, I was able to get a better one in couple rows ahead of my original one.

I went from a middle seat in a full row to a window seat with an empty seat next to me.  More room to spread out and relax! 🙂

Now it’s time to sit out this flight until I make it to Atlanta and get on board my flight straight to Incheon, Korea!

It’s go time baby!!!


Do you usually travel with a carry on or check all of your bags?  I think it is so much easier to check them but for short trips a carry on is just easier for quick airport in and outs!

On His Way

Earlier today, Brian boarded his flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Los Angeles, California, just to board another plane to take him to Seoul, Korea!

(click image for source)

He is officially on his way to South Korea for the 2012 baseball season! Once the team lands in Seoul, they will spend one night in the city before boarding yet another plane to take them to Japan for the last weeks of spring training. What a couple days of traveling!!

(click image for source)

I can’t believe that just about one month ago, we were just finalizing our decision to make the trip to Korea for this season and he was signing his contract with the Hanwha Eagles. What a crazy whirlwind since then.

(click image for source)

Even more so, I can’t believe that in less than one month, I will be boarding my flight to join him once he is back in Korea after the conclusion of their training in Japan! I’m excited to hear from him once he arrives in Seoul and to hear all about the flight and the city and what I can expect when I arrive! Ekkk!


Lunch today was a complete random pairing of things from my fridge and pantry.

Roasted chicken with balsamic ketchup for dipping.

Pretzels with hummus.

And red grapes.

With another piece of Valentine’s Day chocolate for dessert.

Dark chocolate raspberry was today’s truffle of choice. Love.


What is the longest flight you have ever taken?

Good Morning, Arizona!

Good Morning from sunny Arizona!!

I arrived in Tucson last night around 9:45 p.m. local time and was so excited to see Brian waiting for me at the airport. I know it has only been two weeks since I last saw him but it feels like an eternity! Since I was still on east coast time and it was waaaay past my bed time in that time zone and since Brian had to be up early for practice this morning we both crashed pretty much the second we made it back to his room!

I did have one surprise waiting for me though!

Brian thought to make Valentine’s Day come early with flowers, (double) chocolates, a stuffed dog and a big box that still remains a surprise to me!

Good thing I came prepared with a surprise V-day present for him too! 😉


First thing this morning, I wanted to get a workout in to start my mini vacay off on the right foot. I ate a Luna Bar to get something in my stomach and then ventured to find the fitness room at the hotel.

It’s located directly next to the pool and is pretty decent fitness center for a hotel.

It’s not very large in size but seeing that I was the only person in there until the very end of my workout, the size wasn’t an issue. The equipment is all Precor, with treadmills and ellipticals available along with a free weight area and core area complete with medicine and stability balls.

I’m pretty sure I could get use to view from the treadmill…

…it sure beats the back of other people’s t-shirts that I see at the gym at home!


I was on the treadmill for a 40 minute routine that included running, walking and sprints. I started with 30 minutes of steady running, walked for a couple and then worked in a four-minute Tabata of sprints before walking out the rest of the 40 minutes.

After the treadmill, I did some core work with this view to look up at:

Who wouldn’t want to workout with these views?!

I mixed in a variety of different exercises:

  • Hamstring curl with stability ball
  • Basic crunches
  • Crunches on stability ball
  • Crunch with side twist with medicine ball
  • Free weight swings
  • Standing side bends
  • Uneven alternating push ups with medicine ball
  • Crunches with stability ball pass (from hands to feet)

After my core work, I finished up with some stretching and called it a workout. I’m sure I will be venturing back out today to explore, apparently there is a 3.5 mile trail directly across the street, so it looks like more exercise is definitely in my future!

I’m also pretty sure some time relaxing right here is also in my future.

Yessss, please!

As for now, off to snack on some yogurt and clementines before deciding what to get into next!

Catch y’all later!!! 🙂


Are you more motivated to workout and fit random exercise into your day when you are in an unfamiliar location?