Tag Archives: chocolate

On His Way

Earlier today, Brian boarded his flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Los Angeles, California, just to board another plane to take him to Seoul, Korea!

(click image for source)

He is officially on his way to South Korea for the 2012 baseball season! Once the team lands in Seoul, they will spend one night in the city before boarding yet another plane to take them to Japan for the last weeks of spring training. What a couple days of traveling!!

(click image for source)

I can’t believe that just about one month ago, we were just finalizing our decision to make the trip to Korea for this season and he was signing his contract with the Hanwha Eagles. What a crazy whirlwind since then.

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Even more so, I can’t believe that in less than one month, I will be boarding my flight to join him once he is back in Korea after the conclusion of their training in Japan! I’m excited to hear from him once he arrives in Seoul and to hear all about the flight and the city and what I can expect when I arrive! Ekkk!


Lunch today was a complete random pairing of things from my fridge and pantry.

Roasted chicken with balsamic ketchup for dipping.

Pretzels with hummus.

And red grapes.

With another piece of Valentine’s Day chocolate for dessert.

Dark chocolate raspberry was today’s truffle of choice. Love.


What is the longest flight you have ever taken?

Five Dollars

Apparently, five dollars goes a long way these days. At least for the month of February it does. Or should I say the month of FebruANY?!

(click image for source)

I’m going to be working late tonight conducting interviews for potential new part time employees with my company and I had zero time to think about packing lunch and dinner this morning before leaving the house for work. That’s what flights landing at 10:15 p.m. on a work night will do to ya! Dinner will be served here at the office but I’m really trying to eat as healthy as possible and stuffing myself with greasy pizza isn’t really the way to do that…womp, womp.

Lucky for me, Subway has their FebruANY deal going on that offers any foot long sub for only five dollar. I usually can only eat a six inch sub in one sitting so the foot long deal was a steal for me today. Lunch AND dinner for only $5.00. Okay, for $5.30. Forgive me for forgetting the $0.30 please! šŸ™‚


Half of my subway foot long. Turkey, pepperjack cheese, spinach, cucumbers, onions and a touch of lite mayo (I haven’t had mayo on a sub in so long and forgot just how much a love it!).

With a bag of 479Ā° Popcorn that I picked up in the airport yesterday but never ate during my flight (too engrossed in The Hunger Games!). Yum.

I finished the complete meal off with one chocolate heart from my early Valentine’s Day present.

Perfect afternoon pick-me-up!


What is your favorite Subway sub?Ā 

Have you had 479Ā° Popcorn?Ā  What flavor?Ā 

A Beating

Good Morning and happy Tuesday!!! I guess it is an especially happy Tuesday for all of you Crimson Tide fans out there as well! Did LSU not even show up or is Alabama’s defense just that good? I’ll go with the latter because the Tide sure did put a beating on them!

(click image for source)

Now that Alabama is the National Champions, it’s time to focus on Baltimore football and the Ravens road to Indy, baby!! šŸ™‚

And since I mentioned last night’s football game, I should probably also chime in on Ben and the crazy girls occupying my Monday nights as well.

(click here and here for sources)

All I can say is Blakely and Courtney are horrid!!Ā  At least in my opinion! šŸ˜‰Ā  I swear it is a set up to have the bachelor/bachelorette always keep the God-awful contestants just for drama.


This morning’s breakfast was identical to yesterday’s peanut butter chocolate protein smoothie.

I slurped this one down while waiting for my car to defrost. Something is wrong with that picture and I’m not quite sure why I have been taking cold smoothies to-go in the middle of winter!


I decided to skip this morning’s workout and may substitute it back in the day when I get home from work; however, that depends on how my muscles are feeling. My workouts the past two days have done a number on them and just rolling over in bed reminds me of that!

It’s a good burn so I’m not complaining…but I will be happy when I can walk like a normal human being again! šŸ™‚


Do you prefer hot or cold drinks in the winter?

I’m Learning

Apparently working on intuitive eatingĀ  is actually paying off!

Last month, one of my goals was to work on listening to my body; including paying attention to hunger cues while also working on deciphering what other things my body actually could be craving (rest, water) that I’m mistaking for hunger.

I’ve been doing really well with this in the sense of not eating just to eat, primarily snacking. I used to have myself on a pretty strict eating schedule that looking pretty much likes this:

  • 8:30 a.m. – Breakfast
  • 11:00 a.m. – Morning Snack
  • Between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. – Lunch
  • Between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. – Afternoon Snack
  • 7:00 p.m. – Dinner
  • Between 8:00 and 9:00 – Nighttime Snack

For the most part, I would be “hungry” at these times just because my body was used to being on the schedule.Ā  However, recently I have been trying to not follow the “schedule” so closely and only sit down for my meals and snacks when my body is actually asking for them.

I make sure to still have a snack between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner but don’t stick to the exact times.Ā  If my body is asking for fuel at 10:30 a.m., I move my morning snack up, likewise, if my body isn’t ready for dinner until 7:30 p.m., I move my dinner back.Ā 

The next thing I wanted to work on was eating EVERYTHING that was in front of me.Ā  When I prepare a meal, I usually try to keep the portions in control for what I know will be filling to me.Ā  I don’t want to make them too small or too large.

However, that also puts me into the habit of eating everything on my plate, even if I am starting to get those “hey, I’m full” signals sent to my brain.

Well, I think that my brain and my stomach are finally starting to really be on the same page with one another!

Point in case?

Today’s lunch.


For lunch I put together a quick quesadilla that contained:

  • deli turkey
  • Laughing Cow cheese wedge
  • spinach
  • onion
  • goat cheese


I layered everything on one side of the a flour tortilla before folding over the other side to make a quesadilla.


I cooked both sides until everything was heated through and the tortilla was crispy on the outside.


I sided this with a small handful of pretzel nibs with mustard.

And here is where the intuitive eating comes into play.

After eating 3 slices (3/4) of the quesadilla and the pretzels, I was full.Ā  Plain and simple, I didn’t want anymore.

The old Jenny would have just kept eating away thinking, “this is what I made for lunch, I’ll finish it” but not today!

Instead, I wrapped up the last piece and brought it back to work with me. Can we say afternoon snack?

Big steps here people, big steps! šŸ™‚

Oh, but I did manage to wash down the 3/4 of the quesadilla that I did eat with a piece of chocolate.Ā  There is always room for that, right?! šŸ˜‰


Are you good with intuitive eating or do you “clean your plate” as well?

Do you have any tips that help you shut off your eating mechanisms when your stomach says it is full?