On His Way

Earlier today, Brian boarded his flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Los Angeles, California, just to board another plane to take him to Seoul, Korea!

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He is officially on his way to South Korea for the 2012 baseball season! Once the team lands in Seoul, they will spend one night in the city before boarding yet another plane to take them to Japan for the last weeks of spring training. What a couple days of traveling!!

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I can’t believe that just about one month ago, we were just finalizing our decision to make the trip to Korea for this season and he was signing his contract with the Hanwha Eagles. What a crazy whirlwind since then.

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Even more so, I can’t believe that in less than one month, I will be boarding my flight to join him once he is back in Korea after the conclusion of their training in Japan! I’m excited to hear from him once he arrives in Seoul and to hear all about the flight and the city and what I can expect when I arrive! Ekkk!


Lunch today was a complete random pairing of things from my fridge and pantry.

Roasted chicken with balsamic ketchup for dipping.

Pretzels with hummus.

And red grapes.

With another piece of Valentine’s Day chocolate for dessert.

Dark chocolate raspberry was today’s truffle of choice. Love.


What is the longest flight you have ever taken?

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