Category Archives: Oatmeal

Mom’s Day

Even though its not Mother’s Day just yet back home, I still want to start today off with the happiest Mother’s Day wish to my mom!

I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing day full of doing the things that YOU want to do…that means it’s Dad’s job to watch Telli all day! 🙂


In an effort to use more of the millet leftovers, breakfast this morning was a bowl full of grains!

Oatmeal with millet, sliced bananas, peanut butter and agave nectar.

Along with a Bombshell Spell to kick start the day.

I’m taking an easy day for my body and calling today an off day so that means its time to hit the books extra early this morning. Woohooo!


What are you doing to celebrate Mother’s Day for your mom today?


On one of our early shopping trips here in Korea, I located a grain that appeared to be quinoa or something very similar. We picked up a package and not long after I cooked some in the same way that I would quinoa to see what exactly we had on hand.

I knew immediately that it definitely was not quinoa but wasn’t quite sure what exactly is was for certain. Regardless, Brian was a big fan of it (which is always a plus) and ate the majority of the first batch.

Last night he wanted it as a side to our turkey burger dinners and since there was a hearty portion of leftovers, I decided to use it as a I would quinoa with my morning oatmeal.

Turns out millet is a wonderful additional to oatmeal!

By itself, I’m not 100% a fan because I feel it lacks flavoring, however, I’m sure if I mixed it together with some veggies and protein (or oatmeal!) like I do quinoa, it would make a great meal.

After learning what grain we really were eating, I did some nutritional research and I’m pleased with what I have learned about millet. Not only is it full of vitamins and other nutrients needed by your body but it also is gluten free, digests easily, helps to keep you regular, and acts as a prebiotic.


Prior to my oatmeal and millet breakfast, I got my day started with an early morning run. There is some sort of multi-sports event taking place this weekend throughout Daejeon and the track where I normally run is closed for public workouts so today’s run was just along a random route through the area surrounding our apartment.

Post 3.25 miles, I completed the Sunkissed Abs workout from Tone It Up.  Definitely a good core workout that I was feeling by the end of it.  Now that Body Revolution is complete, I’m looking forward to kicking my core workouts up a notch and today’s workout was a great start.


Have you had millet before?  How do you prepare it? Any favorite recipes featuring it?

Packed House

Workout – Part I

I went to bed last night already motivated and excited to wake up and run this morning.  Brian had a 6:00 a.m. alarm set so he could be ready to leave the apartment by 7:30 a.m. so I went along with his alarm as my run wake up call.

I ran the .75 mile to the track and was surprised to find a packed house. The track was buzzing with runners this morning! I have mentioned in past posts that I never see too many people running here but this morning, I found them all! I ran 3 miles at the track among the others who were all moving along in different pace groups. I ended up chatting with a fellow runner from Ghana during my final lap and learned that they are a running group that come every Saturday. Pretty cool!

Including my run back home, I totaled 4.5 miles in just over 40 minutes on the morning!


I put off breakfast for a little bit when I got back so that I could put together Avocado Chicken Salad for B to top his pre-game burrito bowl with so it would be ready to leave with him and by the time I sat down to eat, I was happy that the majority of the prep work came last night.

Overnight oats in a jar made with oats, water, soy milk, honey and yogurt.

And then topped with frozen banana slices this morning.

I also sipped on my first Bombshell Spell, morning metabolism drink, from Tone It Up‘s nutrition plan. An energizing kick to my morning that helps with speeding up metabolism and also with digestion. Woohoo!!

Workout – Part II

After breakfast settled, I wasted no time getting to the second part of my workout – Body Revolution, Phase 3, Workout 12.

Down to the final four days – look out!


Do you prefer running on an empty track or one that is buzzing with other runners? For me, it depends on my workout. If I’m doing a speed workout with sprints, I would rather have less people there. However, when I’m just running laps to get miles in, I like the energy of the crowd!

Toothpaste Trouble

Does anyone else find that once you use the same toothpaste for a certain amount of consecutive brushes, it doesn’t seem to leave your mouth feeling as fresh?

Or is this just me?

For some reason, I have to switch my toothpaste up on almost a weekly basis. Not necessarily change complete brands but at least flavors of toothpaste. When I don’t, I’m left with a not 100% clean or fresh feeling after I brush my teeth and that is 100% unacceptable!

I’ve been switching between two different Crest flavors since being in Korea and it has been doing the trick; however, I won’t lie and say I am not looking forward to a brand switch as well when I get back home!


The start of the FINAL week of Body Revolution!!! Phase 3, Workout 11. Only one more time with this awfully brutal chest and shoulder workout. I’m not counting down or anything…noooo. 😉


A big bowl of oatmeal topped with honey and mixed frozen berries was this morning’s post torture workout fuel.

I love how once the berries are mixed in, they color the oatmeal.

Funfetti oatmeal!!


Do you experience the same issues with toothpaste as I do?