Category Archives: Body Revolution

Crock Pot to Oven

The other day Brian and I were talking about pulled BBQ chicken and how we both could really go for a big sandwich filled with tender, flavorful shreds of chicken. Enter last night’s dinner.

The craving got the best of me yesterday and so I quickly devised a substitute for the usual crockpot BBQ chicken I would make at home. I marinated two chicken breasts in BBQ sauce for a few hours and then baked them for 45 minutes until just tender enough to shred.

After shredding the breasts, I tossed them in a bowl with another hearty pour of BBQ sauce and stirred to coat the chicken.

The outcome was deliciously tender pulled BBQ chicken that we quickly loaded up onto buns and enjoyed with corn and Old Bay french fries. I’m a huge crockpot lover because of the simplicity of the set and go method, however, substituting the oven last night worked just as well and really took the same small amount of effort. Win-Win, baby!


This morning I didn’t feel like heading outside for a run but wanted to get my body warmed up before getting into my strength training workout on the day. I considered the idea of making up a quick cardio circuit to get me going but then remembered my good pal, Jillian, and the cardio workouts from Body Revolution. How could I have forgotten about her so quickly?!

I completed Cardio 3 and then hopped right into this Hamstrings, Biceps and Back workout from earlier in the week.


After my workout, I used the lasts of our millet to make another yogurt bowl.

Millet, strained yogurt, frozen banana slices and peanut butter.

I won’t lie, for being unsure of the millet to start, I grew to really like the versatility of that little grain and I’m sad we finished the bag off!


Do you prefer the crockpot to the stove or oven for cooking?

Morning Nap

I got an extremely slow start this morning but I’m finally up, worked out and fed. It’s a start!

I woke up to Brian’s 7:30 a.m. alarm and only made it out of the bed and around the corner to the couch. I’ve been feeling like I have a cold coming on for the past couple of days now and this morning all I wanted to do was go back to sleep – so my day started off with a nap.


When I finally pulled myself from the couch, I had no desire to head outside for a run so I popped in a workout DVD to get my sweat on.

I guess since finishing Body Revolution, I’m going through withdrawal from hearing Jillian Michael’s annoyingly motivating voice so my workout of choice was her No More Trouble Zones DVD.

Still my favorite workout DVD ever. Absolutely love the way it pushes me…especially when I do the whole workout with 5-8 lb. weights instead of the recommended 3 lbs. My shoulders = sore!


Since I had already had a nap and a workout on the morning, by the time I finished with NMTZ, I was beyond ready for breakfast.

I couldn’t decide exactly what I wanted but I knew three things I wanted to incorporate into the meal so that made my decision a little easier.

  • A blueberry bagel from the bakery at Emart
  • Laughing Cow strawberry creamcheese
  • (Homemade) Greek yogurt

I was so excited to find the strawberry creamcheese wedges yesterday and absolutely loved the flavor on the toasted blueberry bagel!

Now I’m even more anxious to find the other flavors that were released as well. I’m not sure if I will come across them here in Korea (I was surprised to find the strawberry) but I’m on the look out!

Along with the bagel and creamcheese, I had a bowl of homemade Greek yogurt with banana slices and agave nectar.

I haven’t been able to find Greek yogurt here in Korea but went off of a suggestion to strain regular plain yogurt to get thick, creamy Greek yogurt on my own. After being so used to the texture of Greek yogurt, I find regular yogurt way too runny and liquid- like, almost more like gogurt!

But wow! I’m so happy I tried the process for straining my own Greek yogurt! It was beyond simple and turned out amazing – more on that to come later!

Now that my day is off to a little bit better of a start, I’m off to study another NASM chapter!


Have you ever made your own Greek yogurt?


On one of our early shopping trips here in Korea, I located a grain that appeared to be quinoa or something very similar. We picked up a package and not long after I cooked some in the same way that I would quinoa to see what exactly we had on hand.

I knew immediately that it definitely was not quinoa but wasn’t quite sure what exactly is was for certain. Regardless, Brian was a big fan of it (which is always a plus) and ate the majority of the first batch.

Last night he wanted it as a side to our turkey burger dinners and since there was a hearty portion of leftovers, I decided to use it as a I would quinoa with my morning oatmeal.

Turns out millet is a wonderful additional to oatmeal!

By itself, I’m not 100% a fan because I feel it lacks flavoring, however, I’m sure if I mixed it together with some veggies and protein (or oatmeal!) like I do quinoa, it would make a great meal.

After learning what grain we really were eating, I did some nutritional research and I’m pleased with what I have learned about millet. Not only is it full of vitamins and other nutrients needed by your body but it also is gluten free, digests easily, helps to keep you regular, and acts as a prebiotic.


Prior to my oatmeal and millet breakfast, I got my day started with an early morning run. There is some sort of multi-sports event taking place this weekend throughout Daejeon and the track where I normally run is closed for public workouts so today’s run was just along a random route through the area surrounding our apartment.

Post 3.25 miles, I completed the Sunkissed Abs workout from Tone It Up.  Definitely a good core workout that I was feeling by the end of it.  Now that Body Revolution is complete, I’m looking forward to kicking my core workouts up a notch and today’s workout was a great start.


Have you had millet before?  How do you prepare it? Any favorite recipes featuring it?

Body Revolution – Weeks 11 & 12

With the conclusion of weeks 11 & 12 of Jillian Michael’s Body Revolution, I am officially done with the complete 90 day workout program!

Workout 11

The description of Workout 11 on the Body Revolution guide is:

“A gold medal workout jam packed with athletic moves, weights and a resistance cable to inspire you to give it all you’ve got and get what you came for.  It puts the finishing touches on “front of the body” muscles.”

Like the previous odd-numbered workouts, Workout 11 is focused on the front of the body and actually works your chest, shoulders and arms in a crazy way!  If pushups are your thing, this workout is for you!!  It features pushups with different twists added in along with planks that challenge your core and shoulders.

Example moves in this workout are:

  • Scorpion Push Ups
  • Push Ups with Resistance Cable
  • 3 Tiered Push Ups
  • Dragon Pose with Shoulder Raises
  • Jumping Lunges with Shoulder Press
  • Jumping Statue of Liberties
  • Plank Twists

Workout 12

The description of Workout 12 on the Body Revolution guide is:

“This is it!  An all-out, pedal-to-the-metal blur of body sculpt moves for “back of the body” and wicked cardio bursts that max out your calorie burn and fat melting potential.”

Like the prior even workouts, Workout 12 is focused on the back of the body.  A lot of jumping and stabilization is put into use in this workout along with moves that definitely require flexibility and core strength.

Example moves in this workout are:

  • Crab Kicks with Alternation Toe Touches
  • Bridge Push Ups
  • Heavy Bicep Curls
  • Single Leg Weighted Squat Jumps
  • Bent Row
  • Alternating Plank Rows

Cardio 3

The description of Cardio 3 on the Body Revolution guide is:

“Bang out this fast-paced, high energy, high impact, plyometric workout by burning more calories per minute than you ever thought possible to complete your total body transformation.”

The Cardio 3 workout that was used throughout all of Phase 3 of the program (weeks 9-12) was similar to that of Phases 1 & 2 in that it consisted of three 8-minute circuits of cardio exercises.

However, instead of eight exercises, each performed for one minute in each circuit or 16 exercises, each performed for 30 seconds per circuit, Cardio 3 contains 24 exercises – each lasting for 20 seconds.  This cardio workout contained a lot of jumping, plank position moves and full body involvement.  A complete metabolic workout!

Every time I completed Cardio 3, I found myself sweating like crazy when I was finished!  It really got my heart racing and provided a kick-ass, quick workout.  Even though the moves were challenging, and the jumping (cannonball jumps, alternating lunge jumps, squat jumps, rock star jumps) was intense, the quick changes from exercise to exercise made this workout fly by.

And don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking the second circuit is a tad bit easier than the other two…two crucial exercises are skipped in the line up but you can’t not be relieved when one of those is squat jumps! 😉

Week 11 Schedule

Day 1: Workout 11
Day 2: Workout 12
Day 3: Cardio 3
Day 4: Workout 11
Day 5: Workout 12
Day 6: Cardio 3
Day 7: Off

Week 12 Schedule

Day 1: Workout 11
Day 2: Workout 12
Day 3: Cardio 3
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Workout 11
Day 6: Workout 12
Day 7: Cardio

Weights Used

For most of the exercises throughout Weeks 11 & 12, I used either 5 lb or 8 lb weights.  Jillian recommends light (3 lb) weights for a few exercises but they were nothing that I couldn’t do with the 5 lb weights, therefore pushed myself to use the heavier weights.  A few of the exercises that she recommended 5 lb weights, I upped to 8 lb weights at my own discretion.


In summation, Workouts 11 & 12 were definitely challenging.  Workout 11 pushed my chest, arms and shoulders more than any other workout in the program with a ton of plank and pushup moves.  I vowed to never do these workouts again as I was swearing like crazy while doing them but I’m positive I will break them out in the future to challenge myself on given days!

Body Revolution Weeks 1 & 2 Review
Body Revolution Weeks 3 & 4 Review
Body Revolution Weeks 5 & 6 Review
Body Revolution Weeks 7 & 8 Review
Body Revolution Weeks 9 & 10 Review