One Month Down

Can you believe that it is January 31st already?! Where has the first month of 2012 gone? In one way, I feel like it has flown by, yet, when I think back to New Years at the beach it seems like forever ago. Strange.

So much went on in the first couple weeks of this year!

New Years trip to OC, Brian turned 30!, Pre-Cana, the decision to move to Korea, Brian leaving for Arizona…and that is just what I can remember off the top of my head, everything has been such a cluster that I can’t remember who was where and when!!

I’m hoping with everything that is on the schedule for the upcoming months, that the time does a fair job at passing by. I don’t want it to fly by but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want the weeks without Brian to go by a little faster!! I’m so anxious and ready to get to Korea now but I know I have tons to get done before then too!



I woke up around 1:30 a.m. last night and was wide awake. I couldn’t get myself to fall back to sleep and I kept thinking about my workout this morning. I’m not so sure why I was so excited about it but I just wanted to be up and at ’em!

After last nights interval workout on the treadmill, I was looking forward to hitting the treadmill up again this morning and that is exactly what I did.

The total workout was completed in 31:15 including the initial two minutes of walking and the final cool down as well. I was moving on my miles for so early in the morning and my body was actually loving it! Am I feeling a running comeback here?? 🙂

I did something this morning that I never do and wore long pants to the gym. I usually always wear shorts or running capris when working out indoors and save long pants only for when I am running outside in extreme cold – I can actually count the amount of times I have run with full pants on one hand.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to like an intense workout with my legs covered and not being able to give off some heat but I loved how it had me sweating even more.

I see people in long pants and long-sleeved shirts at the gym and I’m not sure how they do it! The pants honestly weren’t bad today but I’m not sure I could completely cover both my arms and legs!


After my workout I ended up eating my usual pre-long run meal for breakfast. I guess I’m a little backwards this morning.

A bagel thin toasted with peanut butter and banana slices.

The remainder of the banana was globbed with peanut butter and enjoyed on the side.

Time to kick off this Tuesday at the office!! I hope you all have a wonderful one!!


Do you like to workout with long pants and sleeves?  Or do you stick to t-shirts/tanks and shorts/capris?

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