Category Archives: Brian

The Avengers

If you haven’t already seen The Avengers, I highly recommend making plans to do so.

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I’m not really much of a comic book gal, nor do I really know the back story on most of the comic book heroes but I still thoroughly enjoyed seeing The Avengers in 3D at the IMAX theater today.

Back in December, when we visited Brian’s parents in Alabama, we watched Captain America and just recently here in Korea, Iron Man was on TV and I caught bits and pieces but other than those two references, The Avengers meant nothing to me. I’ve heard of Thor and knew that the Incredible Hulk is a man who gets angry and turns green but again, not much background.

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Regardless of knowing the characters stories and how they came to be, the movie had a great story line, awesome acting, an all-star cast and was extremely well-directed and put together.

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I loved watching all of the characters play off of one another and have a new-found love for Iron Man and his quick one liners. And the love-hate team he makes with Captain America.

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Seeing the movie in 3D definitely added to the overall experience, even though I’m not really a fan of the 3D experience. It’s hard for me to actually see all of the effects clearly, without having to squint, not to mention the glasses and the different 3D effects coming towards me from the screen never fail to give me a headache. A headache well worth it today though!


Before we headed to Say Two Department Store to see the movie, we went back to The Mill for brunch. The last time we visited The Mill was before seeing The Hunger Games. Maybe The Mill & a movie could be a new Monday tradition?!

After our first meal we both fell in love with the restaurant but not a week later it closed for renovations till the end of April. When he saw it was opening again on May 1st we both were pretty excited and made plans to go back ASAP.

The weather was great today so we sat on the front porch of the restaurant while enjoying our meals.

I ordered the waffles with fruit and every bite was amazing.

The ice cream served on the side along with the mounds of whipped cream were the perfect topping for the waffle when paired with the fruit. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a real waffle and it was worth every single bite. I was apparently famished from my long run this morning and devoured every last bite in no time at all.


I’m already looking forward to our next visit to The Mill!


Do you like comic books? What about comic book movies?

Do you like movies in 3D?

New Favorite Snack

I may have discovered a new favorite snack.

Frozen grapes dipped in peanut butter. It tastes just like a PB&J made with my favorite jelly flavor, grape! I’ll definitely be eating these every day until I either run out of peanut butter or frozen grapes. 🙂

Other than discovering a new snack, today was pretty low-key and left me with a lot of time to finish taking notes on three more chapters of the NASM text-book. I’m officially halfway through the chapters with my notes – ten more to go before it’s review, review, review time!


While doing a little blog reading last week, Brian kept glancing over my shoulder to check out pictures as I scrolled through different posts and something unsurprisingly caught his eye.

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Cheesy Jalapeno Popper Baked Chicken from Gina at Skinnytaste!

I told him I would make it for him when we got back home but he insisted we should have it a lot sooner than that. After a quick browse of the ingredients and knowing I could get my hands on all of them here, I told him we would put it on our menu for tonight.

That made for a happy Brian!

And dinner tonight made for an even happier one!

I made a couple of substitutions like panko for the bread crumbs and pepper jack cheese for the cheddar but otherwise I followed the recipe exactly.

It didn’t turn out as pretty as Gina’s, thanks to the chicken pieces being a little too thick, but good-looking or not, it sure tasted great.

We sided it with green beans for him and asparagus for me and the rest of the leftover white sweet potato wedges.

If you are looking for an easy recipe that has a spicy flare, we give Skinnytaste two thumbs up on this Cheesy Jalapeno Popper Baked Chicken!

We are keeping with the low-key theme for the rest of the night and rented The Shining off of iTunes. I’ve never seen it and think I’m a little behind on this one…

I hope it doesn’t scare me too much!


Have you ever had frozen grapes with peanut butter?

Packed House

Workout – Part I

I went to bed last night already motivated and excited to wake up and run this morning.  Brian had a 6:00 a.m. alarm set so he could be ready to leave the apartment by 7:30 a.m. so I went along with his alarm as my run wake up call.

I ran the .75 mile to the track and was surprised to find a packed house. The track was buzzing with runners this morning! I have mentioned in past posts that I never see too many people running here but this morning, I found them all! I ran 3 miles at the track among the others who were all moving along in different pace groups. I ended up chatting with a fellow runner from Ghana during my final lap and learned that they are a running group that come every Saturday. Pretty cool!

Including my run back home, I totaled 4.5 miles in just over 40 minutes on the morning!


I put off breakfast for a little bit when I got back so that I could put together Avocado Chicken Salad for B to top his pre-game burrito bowl with so it would be ready to leave with him and by the time I sat down to eat, I was happy that the majority of the prep work came last night.

Overnight oats in a jar made with oats, water, soy milk, honey and yogurt.

And then topped with frozen banana slices this morning.

I also sipped on my first Bombshell Spell, morning metabolism drink, from Tone It Up‘s nutrition plan. An energizing kick to my morning that helps with speeding up metabolism and also with digestion. Woohoo!!

Workout – Part II

After breakfast settled, I wasted no time getting to the second part of my workout – Body Revolution, Phase 3, Workout 12.

Down to the final four days – look out!


Do you prefer running on an empty track or one that is buzzing with other runners? For me, it depends on my workout. If I’m doing a speed workout with sprints, I would rather have less people there. However, when I’m just running laps to get miles in, I like the energy of the crowd!

Lotte with the Win

Yesterday afternoon we decided to take a little cab ride to Lotte Department Store to see if we could find black beans. Oh you know, checking out the local mall for black beans – nothing my day hadn’t already started out revolving around! 🙂

I had a feeling we were going to get successful there and that feeling was right. Lotte Department Store with the win!

They are now sold out of black beans! 😉

However, I sent this guy off to his game this morning about as happy as a clam with his burrito bowl packed in his new lunch cooler.

Go get ’em, Tiger! Er, I mean Eagle!!


I started my day off with a big, clean bowl of oats topped with banana slices, cinnamon, honey and raisins.

Since B will be gone for the majority of the day, it’s a full-out study day for me which means I’m heading off to hit the books early. I plan to fit in a workout break along the way to restart my energy after a few hours of reading and writing!


Is it easier for you study with no one else around or can you study with background noise?