Category Archives: Beach

Day 365

I can’t believe today is the last day in 2011! What a year it has been too!!

From my family to yours…

Here’s wishing you and yours a very safe New Years Eve and a very happy 2012.

Beach Babe

Looks like we have a little beach lover on our hands!

After Brian and I got back from our run, we grabbed Telli from the condo and ventured to the sand for his first time.

As soon as we made it down to the beach he was all for exploring!

And for eating the sand.

Look at that T-Sizzle lip covered in sand!

We kept him on the leash to start so he could get used to the new environment and walked him down towards the water.

He started getting a little hesitant the closer that Brian got him…

And then wham! The first wave hit and he took off like a bat out of hell!

But went back for more within seconds!

I loved all the little puppy prints in the sand!

Once he had a chance to figure out the sand and water, he was loving the freedom of the beach!

And even fit in a little time with Mommy!

I think we definitely have a little beach babe on our hands!!

I love my little family! 🙂

Get Me Out There!

We have really no food in the place to make breakfast so we made a quick run to Dunkin Donuts for some grub this morning. I went with a cinnamon raisin bagel and a decaf coffee to spark my morning.

We have plans to hit up the outlets today for a little shopping before catching up with other friends that are in town for the New Years weekend.

One other thing on the agenda?

Get Telli out to the beach!!

He has been longingly looking out the slider door just waiting to get down to that sand and water!

Another way he takes after me besides loving peanut butter – yay!!!

However, before Telli can get to the beach or any shopping can be done, its people workout time first!

Heading out to pound the pavement!

Too bad Telli isn’t big enough to run with us just yet!!


If you have a dog, do they run with you?  I can’t wait till Telli is big enough to run with me!!  That’s one of the reasons we went with a Boxer when we chose our puppy!

Summer Travels to Fall Follies

With the summer coming to a quick end, I took some time to think back over the past few months. Usually my summer consists of plenty of trips to the beach and at least one girls weekend trip to a new city of choice.

Between work and lots of trip to visit Brian over the past few months, this summer didn’t hold as many “summer vacation trips” as past ones but it still was a great one! I’ll take time with my boy over the beach any day. Wow, did I really just say that?!

Even with my busy schedule, I managed to sneak in a few days at the beach with my family, friends, and even Brian!

One thing that has been consistent through the last couple months of my summer, even without many vacations on the schedule, has been the Eucerin Everyday Protection lotion. After I received this product in early July, I have been using it on a regular basis when I now I will be spending ample time outdoors, to not only moisturize my skin, but also to protect me from harmful UV rays. (My full review of the product is available here.)

I’ve actually started to appreciate the importance of protecting your skin on a daily basis from the sun and with my history of bad sunburns and tanning bed use, this couldn’t have come at a better time. Anything that I can do now to prevent future skin issues is helpful.

I have one last summer hoorah coming up this weekend in California and you can bet that the Eucerin Everyday Protection lotion will be making the trip with me. I have plans to not only be spending time outdoors but I will also be running the Disneyland Half Marathon with my friend, Katie. I’ll for sure be lotioning up pre-run to protect myself from the Cali sun with nothing else than Eucerin.

Even with fall quickly approaching, I still plan on spending plenty of time outdoors and will continue to utilize this lotion. Fall football games AND tailgating, long outdoor runs, a trip to San Francisco and Napa Valley…I’ll still be in the sun plenty!

What about you? Do you have big fall plans that will keep you in the sun? What about summer? Did you have any big travels or vacations that made your summer?

For a chance to win your own set of Eucerin Everyday Protection lotions, you can leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite vacation this summer.

For additional entries you can:

  • Tweet about your summer adventures and be sure to include @eucerinus and @loveeatrun in your tweet. Leave a comment on this post letting me know you tweeted.
  • Follow @eucerinus on twitter and leave a comment here that you did.
  • Follow @loveeatrun on twitter and leave a comment here that you did or already do.
  • Like LoveEatRun on facebook and leave a comment here that you did or already do.

You will receive one entry for each comment…Up to five entries per person…You don’t have to have your own blog to enter!!

Giveaway will end Wednesday morning at 9:00 a.m. and the winner will be announced in my morning post!