Calling All Readers

My original plan for the long flight to Korea was a lot of reading and blogging. I figured I could pack up my computer and some books into a carry on and fill my time with blog work, reading and, of course, sleeping. Perfect.

Then last night when I was thinking about minimal packing and how much I hate lugging heavy carry on bags through the airport and the thought of being weighed down by my computer AND a handful of books suddenly didn’t seem so appealing.

Next thought? A kindle to combine all of my books. Duh.

I was skyping with Brian at the time and we both started looking into different options and have it narrowed down to three:

The Kindle.

(click image for source)

The Nook.

(click image for source)

The iPad.

(click image for source)

Any suggestions on which is best? I’m leaning towards the Nook, as it has better reviews than the Kindle. The iPad would be great but I don’t need everything that comes with an iPad, not to mention the book selections on iTunes are mostly audiobooks and on first glance a few that I know I would want to download to read aren’t even available. Bummer.

So please, any readers out there that can offer advice…please send it my way!


I hit the gym this morning to kick the day off with a workout. After 40 minutes on the treadmill, 30 running and 10 walking as a cool down, I got in some upper body work:

  • Bicep Curls
  • Concentration Curls
  • Hammer Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Kickbacks
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Pushups
  • Shoulder Raises

After doing Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred last night and then emphasizing on arms again this morning, I know I’m going to be feeling it!


Post workout breakfast was on the agenda.

Banana Protein Pancakes


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1/3 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 tbsp. baking powder
  • 1 tbsp. egg beaters
  • 1/2 banana, mashed

All mixed together and cooked up on a griddle pan.

The protein powder makes the pancakes not as fluffy as your every day pancakes but give them a more dense, doughy type taste.

And the hint of vanilla was awesome.



Any help? iPad? Nook? Kindle?

5 responses to “Calling All Readers

  • stoddart34

    I use to work at Best Buy type store in Canada, don’t my the Nook, so many people I know have had issues with them. The kindle is a great e reader is much better for your eyes than a iPad if you read for long times at a time. Also, the new sony e reader is really good, but the kindle is cheaper.

  • katherinewelch

    I own a Kindle and use it all the time! I believe there are Kindle reading apps too though that you can download on an iPad if you are leaning that way.

  • Cristina M

    I love my kindle and can read books on any device via the kindle app. Recently I was having problems with mine after owning it for over a year and I was given great service. Also I joined amazon prime and get a free lending library book every month, not to mention daily deals.

  • kate kasabula

    We have both kindles and an ipad. Brian LOVES his kindle for reading. The ipad is like reading a computer screen for hours so it can hurt your eyes. The kindle has a “duller” light so you can read longer and they make snazzy holders with a book light so you can read in the dark. Plus, you get an amazing selection with Amazon at pretty inexpensive prices. Good luck!!

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