Tag Archives: leg toning

Long Workout Saturday

It’s the weekend. Ahhh, and a three-day one at that! 🙂


I started this Saturday morning off at the gym to get my workout out-of-the-way early. After a quick 8-minute-mile to warm up I hit the free weight section for some strength training.

I did the following circuits each twice through:

Circuit #1:

Circuit #2:

Circuit #3:

I then headed back to the treadmill for a sprint circuit:

  • 1 minute run at 8.5 mph
  • 50 seconds of recovery

Which I repeated through until I reached 1 mile.

Next up was some toning work for my legs:

And finally stretching!!


I had a Luna bar before heading to the gym so when I came home I put together a mixed cereal bowl.

Fiber One Honey Squares and Special K Pecan Crunch with almond milk.

I enjoyed my bowl of cereal while this face pleaded next to me for a bite.

Eventually he got distracted by his toys and outside so I could finish breakfast before cleaning up after him.

I swear this dog has too many toys that he spreads throughout the entire house.

And God-forbid we try to clean them up and keep them nicely in his basket.

Fat chance Mom and Dad!

I’m off to get ready for a busy day! Brian and I have some wedding stuff to get done today before heading to dinner with friends tonight! I’m excited because it’s fun wedding stuff too!!! 🙂


Do you tend to get in longer workouts on the weekends?