Tag Archives: closure

Does Guilty Mean Closure?

The verdict was announced last night in the George Huguely trial.  He was found guilty of second degree murder and of grand larceny.

The jury recommended 25 years in jail for the murder charge and 1 year for the larceny. The sentencing date is set for April 16th…more waiting.

So now that Huguely was found guilty, does this mean that there is closure for Yeardley’s family? It’s a question that you can only hope the answer to is, “yes”. For their sanity and their future happiness.

But I think the answer is really two-sided.

There will be closure.  There will be no more days sitting in the courthouse.  There will be no more listening to witnesses recount the circumstances of the days leading up to the death of Yeardley.  There will be no more details being repeated over and over of the final outcome on that awful May morning.  For all of that, there will be closure.

Unfortunately, that may be the only closure to this tragfic event.  The odds that closure from the repercussions of this lovely young woman being taken too soon are slim to none. Sadly, that’s one of the lingering effects when someone is taken unfairly or unexpectedly. Those left behind only get to grieve their loss with no closure, no real answers, no easy comfort.

Again, my heart goes out to the Love family. Hopefully the meaning behind their family name can help continue to pull them through this unbearably hard time.




This morning I wrapped up my first week of Body Revolution with Jillian Michaels. I completed my second day of the phase 1 cardio DVD. Again, the 3 circuits of 1 minute reps of 8 different exercises has me sweating.

It’s okay though, I had my biggest fan cheering me on.

Apparently my workouts bore my little buddy.

Sleeping seems to be more exciting.

After the cardio workout I did a quick ab circuit just to give them a little work.

Gotta use ’em so you don’t lose ’em, right?!

Or you gotta work ’em to just simply get ’em?!?!…I think that’s a little more accurate for my current ab situation… 🙂


Breakfast this morning was a plate full of egg scramble.

One egg, 3 egg whites, spinach, black olives and goat cheese.


Day 7 left in the office…off to make it count!


Where do you think closure comes from after the loss of a loved one?