24 Days of Presents for a Runner – Day 17

After a long run or race, it is no secret that some muscle pain is going to be experienced. For a long time I was that girl that you would see hobbling around looking like I was walking around with a stick in you-know-where.

Then one day I discovered compression sleeves and my muscle recovery changed. For the way better.

Gift #17: Compression Sleeves/Socks

One of my biggest “hurt” areas after long runs and races was always my calf muscles and my first step to fix that was with the Zensah Compression Sleeves.

(click photo for source)

Having the tightness around your muscles post run helps to keep the blood flowing and aids a faster recovery. Perfect! I also have used these sleeves during runs as well at times when I had been having issues with my lower legs.

After my compression sleeves, I invested in a pair of compression socks that I love equally enough, if not more!

(click photo for source)

You can bet that I will have these on post race and the day after (especially if I am traveling) to help speed muscle recovery. Other options are compression shorts and tights to add more aid to your whole/upper legs as well!

Socks and sleeves are available anywhere from $20.00 to $40.00.

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