24 Days of Presents for a Runner – Day 10

Today’s gift can almost go hand-in-hand with gift #2, the foam roller.

Gift #10: The Stick

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I had my first encounter with The Stick at the Baltimore Running Festival expo back in 2010.

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I’ve always had a history of knots in my legs, especially my calf muscles so when I came across The Stick booth and had a demonstration done on my own legs I was sold.

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I love to use mine in addition to my foam rollers to really workout any kinks and knots in my legs.

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Best part is that it is much more portable than your typical foam roller.

Going to an out-of-town race? Put The Stick in your checked bag and you are good to go!

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If you visit The Stick website, there are many different options for pressure, etc. and prices range from about $25.00 to $50.00.

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