Workout Wednesday – Treading Class

For the first edition of Workout Wednesday, I posed some questions on treading class to a friend of mine that also happens to be a fitness instructor at my current gym.

I’ve mentioned taking a treading class in the past on my blog and it really is a fitness class that I enjoy.

Obviously this is one that calls out to all of those runners out there!

As Lauren mentions below, this is a good class to do as an “individual”, as each person is on their own treadmill and working at their own pace.

So if you are someone that is still a little tentative about group exercise classes, maybe this is the right starting place for you!

The class is currently unique to the MAC (Maryland Athletic Clubs) locations which are only in Maryland (duh!) but maybe after learning more about the class you could talk to your gym about adding it to their group exercise schedule as well.


1. Give a brief overview of the class.

Treading is an instruction based running (not swimming) specific class for all levels. The class takes place on any of the treadmills through out the fitness floor. A typical class will consist of intervals, various speeds, inclines, and recovery. This class is unique to the MAC, and has become very popular!

2. How long does each class last?

45 minutes

3. What equipment, if any, do you need for class?

All you need for treading is headphones. If you don’t bring headphones, the only other way to participate is if you manage to get the treadmill next to the instructor. This way you can actually hear the instruction (this isn’t always possible, so just bring your headphones!!)

4. Do you have to be at a specific fitness level to take the class?

No, and that’s the beauty of treading! It’s one of the few classes where you can have all levels of fitness participate…no one will feel like “the outlier” in class. You’re in control of your treadmill, so you decide your “base speed”, which could be 7.0 mph, or 4.0 mph….it’s all good! Treading provides a perfect balance of instruction and motivation, and the only person you’re competing with is yourself.

5. What is the biggest fitness benefit gained from this class?

Treading has lots of great benefits, specifically weight loss, and race training. Because its 45 minutes of everything from inclines, sprinting to recovery, you’ll keep your body guessing! This will not only burn lots of calories, and boost your metabolism, but will also prevent workout boredom. Treading is an effective way to improve endurance, speed, and overall aerobic capacity whether you’re a novice or a seasoned runner!

6. What is the hardest aspect of this class?

Its funny you ask this because one of the best aspects of this class, is also one of the hardest. Although you’re guided by the instructor, you must also have self motivation. Because you’re in control of the treadmill, its easy to slack off and not do the inclines or increase your speed. The instructor isn’t walking around the room and looking over your back! So, it’s easy to “cheat” in this class! And…cheaters never win! ha!

7. Why do you recommend this class as a fitness workout?

I recommend this class to anyone who says “I don’t do group exercise classes”. This is a great entry into the world of Group Ex. I would also recommend it to anyone who likes running, wants to train for a race, burn calories, lose or just maintain their weight, improve endurance, or blow off steam!

8. What are the pros of this class?

I think I’ve mentioned most of the pros above, but a few others are that there is no coordination necessary (just running on a treadmill), no thinking required, good music, and great instructors!

9. In your opinion, does this class have any cons?

Hmmm, cons? Not really!! Just make sure you don’t over do it. It’s important to take rest days, over use injuries are the worst!

10. If you have any specific injuries should you not take this class?

Well, it all depends. No pain, no gain, is NOT the motto here. Listen to your body, and use discretion. If you’re coming back from an injury, you’re responsible for modifying your run, slowing down, avoiding inclines etc.

11. How many times a week would you recommend taking this class to reap optimal benefits?

It depends on your fitness level and goals. I suggest working out 4 or 5x/wk total. So, I recommend treading only 2x/wk, but make sure you’re also taking other cardio class 2x/wk. If you’re focused on running because you’re training for a race, I would say 3x/wk, and at least 1 long run outside…it’s always better/harder outside!!

12. How often should someone adjust their weight levels/resistance levels/speeds levels (if applicable) in this class?

The nice thing about treading is that we take care of that for you. The run is never the same. Although, after about 4 weeks of consistent running, you should try to increase your base speed.

13. If continuing the class on a regular basis, how long is expected until progress and results can be seen?

Well, you have to watch your diet as well to really see results…and see them quick. After two weeks of a healthy diet, and consistent exercise, you will certainly feel a difference, and start to see one as well. Like it or not, diet and exercise are imperative to see results! And, to be honest, if weight loss is the goal, diet is the most important thing.

14. If you rotate this class with one other fitness class in your workout schedule, which other class would you recommend?

I really can’t recommend just one class in addition to either Treading. I’d suggest adding Spinning, Group Power, Yoga, Pilates, Zumba or even a Deep Water Class into the mix! So for example, a good week at the gym might consist of HIT, Treading, Group Power, Spin, Zumba and Yoga or Pilate’s (each on a different day).


I hope you enjoyed the first installment of Workout Wednesday!  Stay tuned next week for round 2! 🙂

[Call to all fitness instructors:  If you are interested in being featured (or having a particular workout class or technique featured) on a future edition of “Workout Wednesday” email me at]

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