Pizza Pocket and a Mozzarella Stick

I dropped work like a bad habit and kicked it to the curb early today.

I enjoyed a nice, relaxing walk home fueled by what else but some fro yo.


Thank you Friday afternoon snack! 🙂

One of my closest friends from high school is getting married tomorrow and obviously it’s going to be a big day so I’m keeping it low-key tonight with the couch, my DVR and laundry.

Aren’t I just a social butterfly?!


Dinner was a very random throw-together but ended up being quite tasty.

Cheesy Pesto Shrimp Pizza Pocket

I started by combining the following in a bowl:

    • spoonful ricotta cheese
    • goat cheese
    • 2 mushrooms, chopped
    • 1/8 red pepper, chopped
    • basil
    • dash of oregano
    • frozen uncooked shrimp, thawed and chopped


I mixed everything together and set the bowl aside.
Next, I sprinkled a cutting board with flour and rolled some pre-made pizza dough into an oval.  I topped half of the dough with baby spinach, followed by the cheese/veggie/shrimp mix.


I folded the other half of the dough over the mixture and sealed the edges together.


After spraying both sides with non-stick cooking spray, I placed the pizza pocket on a baking pan and baked for 20 minutes at 375 degrees.


I had some left over rolled dough so instead of wasting, I put it to use to make a single mozzarella stick by placing a string cheese on the edge of the dough and rolling until the cheese stick was covered.


I sealed the edges and added it to the baking pan.
This little guy was bubbly and ready to go after about 12 minutes in the oven.


Oooey, gooey cheese stick and much healthier than a deep-fried restaurant one!


After my appetizer, I had some string bean medley and half of the pizza pocket for my main meal.


Great Friday night dinner!


I hope everyone has a great Friday night!!!


Any big plans for the weekend? Like I said before, one of my friend Jen from high school is getting married tomorrow. She is the first of my close group of high school girlfriends so it really should be a lot of fun! I can’t wait to spend the day celebrating her and Matt with everyone!! 🙂

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